Disclaimer: Since I'm broke, I can either host this statically for a total of about 18 quid an annum or triple the costs and host it dynamically. As long as I'm a student a server is just a distant concept to me. A beer a month or an AWS EC2 nano instance? A beer obviously Beer is haram.

Beginning - 04/01/21

Hello Reader,

I've decided to start blogging. An absolutely fruitless endeavour akin to screaming in the wind, but anyone who knows me well knows that engaging in fruitless endeavours has become something of a passion of late. Especially as I’m about to enter the work world "for real for real", I don’t want to be a passionless bozo.

The decision to try a bunch of random stuff. Such as blogging, has been triggered by expendable income, irrespective of that I’ve always been a bit of a curious cat. This mindset has led to many poor social and financial decisions but we move. Okay! Enough rambling! Why am I doing this?

It's primarily to tame section a little of this highly centralised beast known as the internet (pronounced intahnet) and make it my own. I wanted something similar to social media but not as likely to suck me in and a little more fun to curate/create. The solution is obviously to build it yourself. I also wanted something more extensible than medium and more fun than Wordpress. It’s also a little bit of a testament to my technical vanity ngl (or maybe a calling to get a life).

The current state of the site is a static webpage. This is not the ideal end state but alas I am too lazy to spin up an EC2 to host (and too cheap). as I’m dilly dallying doing this little thing called a degree. EDIT: degree done will move to EC2 when bored.

This blog serves to
1) Organise my thoughts
2) provide insight into my thoughts for whatever poor soul wishes that upon themselves
3) share some of my photos/art/cool shit I find
4) Provide a sort of digital vetting
5) Finally, for agency over my own data.

Looking at things people have produced online is not something one would traditionally classify as a passion but it's something that I and most people, do a lot. It’s pretty much compulsive at this stage. Paired with guide my guiding philosophy for life, (connection and production (logotherapy - Viktor E Frankl)) it's made me want to share some.

I do a solid amount of journaling, tons of note taking. Doing it in a manner that isn’t as Blaise as my journal or academic as my notes strikes a healthy balance to me.

Special influence: Jamie Tanna’s post about the indie web here inspired me a little. And Khoi Vin's Interview here about how he started blogging.

The intention is to do a post a week of 250 - 500 words, on any topic that tickles my fancy really. It’s one those things that should make me a better person? Edit: Failed this horrendously, second try now (2/11/21)!